American Legion Post 155
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American Legion Riders

Our Mission:

We use our motorcycles to help Veterans and their families, while supporting a variety of programs throughout Citrus County.

Our General Membership Meetings are held at American Legion Post 155 in Crystal River starting at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

The American Legion Riders are a diverse group of motorcycle enthusiasts who share common goals. All are members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or The Sons of the American Legion and all are united by Patriotism and a sense of duty to our fellow Veterans and the community in which we live. They answer the call to ride in service to America’s Military, her Veterans, and for the children and youth of our country.

What started in Garden City, Michigan in 1993 has turned into a national organization of over 106 thousand American Legion Riders and Chapter 155 of Crystal River, Florida is proud to be a part The American Legion Family.

Since 2006, American Legion Riders have united nationally for The American Legion Legacy Run that raises hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. It was established for the children of those service members who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives while on active duty defending our freedom.

On March 2, 2013, Citrus County Commissioners, by proclamation, created "American Legion Rider 155 Day" in recognition of our outstanding contributions to Citrus County.

Chapter 155 - American Legion Riders have donated to various organizations, here are a few:

  • American Legion Legacy Fund
  • American Legion Baseball
  • Citrus County Sheriffs’ Department K9 Division
  • Find ‘M’ Friends
  • The Stano Foundation
  • Post 155 Veterans Programs

Some of the events we participate in each year include:

  • The American Legacy Run that provides educational funds for children of Veterans killed in action after 9/11
  • Welcome Home Celebrations for returning military personnel of Citrus County
  • Citrus County Veterans Appreciation Week
  • Vietnam Traveling Wall Escort
  • 9/11 Traveling Wall Escort
  • Purple Heart Ceremony
  • Funeral Escorts for Deceased Veterans
  • Fallen Heroes Ceremony
  • POW/MIA Ceremony

Call American Legion Post 155 at (352)795-6526 today!


American Legion Riders
Director: Vinnie Covino
Assistant Director: Scott Herndon
Adjutant: Rick Royhem
Chaplain: Jack Wolf
Finance Officer: Kathy Whitley
Sergeant-at-Arms: Rick Wright
Road Captain/Safety Officer: Jerry Vantassel
Historian: Vacant
Past Director: Dan Pule


"We bring the color, the noise, and the excitement to events!"