American Legion Post 155 Honor Guard
American Legion Post 155 Honor Guard's mission is to provide military funeral ceremonies for veterans and retirees who have served honorabley in the United States Military.
A military funeral is a burial rite given to all members who served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. All eligible Veterans, upon the family's request, can be honored with a rifle salute, the playing of Taps, a flag folding detail, and words of condolences offered by the Honor Guard Chaplain.
All services are conducted with honor, dignity, and respect, while maintaining a commitment to the history and traditions of our United States Military.
Our Honor Guard members are volunteers who donate their time and service to honor our country and our Veterans. All members of the American Legion Family are welcome to serve on the Honor Guard (Legionnaires, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and Riders).
If you would like more information, please contact Mike Sisto, Honor Guard 1st Lieutenant at 352-651-3413.
Honor Guard Funeral Service Request Form